Children's Ministry
At Centenary we love having children of all ages involved in our worship services and in the life
of the church. We want you to feel comfortable brining your children to Centenary and enjoy
watching them grow in their faith surrounded by Christians who love them. We have several
opportunities for children to participate in the church and resources for parents who bring their
Sunday Morning Worship
Children are welcome in both our contemporary and traditional worship services. We want them
to stay through the whole service to experience all of the music, scripture, prayers, sermon, and
sacraments that the adults experience. Neither pastor is bothered by chatter, crying, or wiggling
during the sermon, even when it comes form the children. We provide busy bags with quiet toys,
and coloring for children to play with during the service and you are welcome to bring any of
your child’s favorite quite toys.
Sometimes children get a little louder than quiet so we have a cry room with toys located in the
balcony of the sanctuary where you can sit or play with your child and still see and hear the
traditional service. If you are in the contemporary service, you can also use the cry room or step
out into the hallway and watch the service on our livestream until your child has calmed down.
We also have a nursery in room 103 where you can drop of your children pre-k and under with
our nursery staff and pick them up after the service.
You are under no obligation to remove a fussy or active child from the worship space. We
provide these resources for those times your child’s behavior becomes a distraction to your own
worship experience.
Sunday School
We have Sunday school classes for children, youth, and adults. Children 5 th grade and younger
meet in room 205. Youth 6-12 grade meet in the youth room located in the basement. Adults can
meet with Reflections who meet in the parlor or the Questors who meet in room 208. We do not
have age requirements for our adult classes, but most of our young adults attend Reflections.
Centenary host a Wednesday evening program for children and youth called Logos. Each week
students sing, play, and learn together. Children K-5 grade play and sing together and are broken
up into age groups for lessons. Youth 6-12 grade meet for lesson and games. Then all the
students gather around tables for family style dinner. Logos is 4:30-6:45 Wednesday evenings.

Youth Ministry
If you would like to volunteer with our youth ministry we would love to have you. We are looking for volunteers who have a passion for ministry with youth and want to be mentors in our program. We are looking for:
* Middle and High school leaders
* Camp volunteers
* Sunday School Teachers

Things are always blooming here at Centenary! If you would like to volunteer to help with keeping our church landscaping in order we need your help! Here is a list of ways you can help:
* Weeding/trimming
* Planting when needed
* Watering when needed.